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Ksheera Santhwanam insurance for dairy farmers to be revived

Ksheera Santhwanam insurance for dairy farmers to be revived - Dairy News 7X7

The comprehensive insurance scheme for dairy farmers, Ksheera Santhwanam, will be revived soon with the State Government approving it, said Minister for Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development J Chinchurani. The Minister said this while launching the official website and e-commerce portal of Trivandrum Regional Co-operative Milk Producers Union (TRCMPU), enabling customers to make online purchases […]

Fasten your seat belts get ready for a rough weather ahead

Fasten your seat belts get ready for a rough weather ahead - Dairy News 7X7

Dear friends, We have been reading a lot about the dairy industry for the last few weeks. Some great insights have been shared by renowned economists, scientists, politicians and senior journalists. Let me list the five different areas in which the dairy was discussed and deliberated in the media. a. Reasons for higher milk prices […]

Centre mulls rehaul of livestock insurance scheme

Centre mulls rehaul of livestock insurance scheme - Dairy News 7X7

Pulled up recently by a Parliamentary Standing Committee (PSC) for zero insurance coverage of livestock in 2022-23, the Centre is considering a comprehensive livestock insurance scheme modelling the Prime Minister’s Fasal Bima Yojana. The Union Animal Husbandry Ministry’s move is to roll out the scheme ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. There are initial […]

DGV launches dairy marketplace ‘DGV Connect’ for cattle discovery

DGV launches dairy marketplace ‘DGV Connect’ for cattle discovery - Dairy News 7X7

Digivriddhi Technologies (DGV), an integrated dairy fintech and marketplace platform in India has recently launched a Bovine discovery platform – DGV Connect. A one-stop shop for dairy farmers, DGV Connect creates a connection between buyers and sellers and offers embedded finance options for facilitating digital cattle loans and insurance. India’s livestock population has expanded from 512.06 million in 2012 […]

Central and state government must work in tandem for dairy development

Central and state government must work in tandem for dairy development - Dairy News 7X7

Calculus is a branch of mathematics that involves the study of rates of change. It has two branches. They are names as differential and integral calculus. Life is another name for change. The process of solving problems is nothing but changing the status quo. Let us look at the ways in which dairy problems are being […]

Samuhik Pashudhan Bima Yojana discontinued, rearers anxious

Samuhik Pashudhan Bima Yojana discontinued, rearers anxious - Dairy News 7X7

Livestock rearers across the state are at the receiving end following the discontinuation of Samuhik Pashudhan Bima Yojana, which ensures compensation in the event of accidental death of cattle due to disease and other reasons. The scheme has been discontinued since April 1 and livestock rearers have been making rounds of the local office of […]

Dairy farmers in Maharashtra are demanding fair prices for their milk

Dairy farmers in Maharashtra are demanding fair prices for their milk - Dairy News 7X7

The agitations were held in 14 largest milk-producing districts of northern, western and Marathwada regions of the state with hundreds of farmers taking to the streets, shouting slogans for their demands. Thousands of dairy farmers in Maharashtra launched a 3-day long agitation demanding fair remunerative prices as per law for their milk products and to […]

Dairy farmers demand insurance cover for all milch animals in Tamil Nadu

Dairy farmers demand insurance cover for all milch animals in Tamil Nadu - Dairy News 7X7

Only 10% of the estimated 14 lakh cattle are currently insured Milk producers in the State have urged the government to ensure universal insurance coverage for all milch animals. Currently, only 10% of the cattle have coverage, causing farmers to bear the losses if an animal without insurance dies. “A cow can cost between ₹30,000 […]