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Jindal Steel denies any relationship with Sarda mines and Kwality dairy bid

Jindal Steel & Power Limited has submitted its clarification on the news about Sarda mines top bidder for Kwality dairy . The clarification is submitted to NSE . The news which appeared in The Economic Times on Oct 28th mentioned that Sarda Mines is an affiliate of Jindal Steel group. A letter written to NSE clearly mentions the facts as below.

The letter elaborates that JSPL has not relationships with Sarda Mines except that JSPL bought iron ores from this company. A request was made to Economic Times also to release a corrigendum in this regard.

The Economic Times issues a corrigendum on Sep 29 on page 7 of their Delhi edition. The corrigendum clarified that the news related to Kwality Dairy bid should not have shown Sarda mines as an affiliate of Jindal steel group.


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