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Potato based Milk Is An Unexpectedly Delicious Dairy Alternative

Plant-based milks are quite popular these days, and for lots of great reasons. People who are lactose intolerant experience digestive issues when drinking cow’s milk, so plant-based products are a welcomed alternative with their morning cereal or in their coffee. Also, many people avoid dairy products due to the poor conditions dairy cows are subjected to. Others simply prefer the taste and texture of plant-based options like oat, almond, and soy milks. In addition to these products, people leading dairy-free lifestyles can also add potato milk to their pantheon of choices.

While potatoes are versatile, the idea of turning them into a beverage might seem a little out there. Sure, everyone loves spuds when they’re fried, mashed, and slathered with butter, but potato milk is another thing altogether. However, the inherent qualities of potatoes actually make them quite suitable for plant-based beverages. That’s why potato milk is slated to be a very big deal in 2023.

A bold new plant-based dairy alternative

As far as food trends go, potato milk is expected to be a huge hit this year as consumers seek out more diverse milk alternatives. Potatoes are nutritious, as they contain a good selection of protein, vitamins, and minerals. The texture of potatoes also makes for a creamy and satisfying beverage when blended properly. If these factors have you ready to become a potato milk convert, don’t get too excited, as the beverage is hard to come by in these parts.

Swedish company Veg of Lund is leading the potato milk bandwagon with DUG, a potato-based drink that comes in original, unsweetened, and barista flavors, which is intended for mixing with coffee drinks. While DUG is available throughout Sweden and the UK, as well as available for sale online, the beverage has not made its way to the U.S. as of yet. Fortunately, you can make potato milk right in the comfort and convenience of your own home.

How to make your own potato milk at home

When it comes to the ingredients for your homemade potato milk, you’ll be pleased to note that the components are very accessible. Simply gather one large potato, salt, and water, as well as sweetener (such as honey or maple syrup) for flavor. Begin by boiling the potato until it becomes soft, then place the potato in a blender. Add up to four tablespoons of your preferred sweetener, a ¼ teaspoon of salt, and three to four cups of filtered water. You can also add ¼ of a cup of blanched almonds and a ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract to further enhance the flavor.

Once the beverage is sufficiently blended, strain the drink through a cheesecloth to ensure it is silky smooth. You can also alter the concoction to your liking. If you’re trying to reduce your sugar intake, use a liquid sugar substitute instead of a sweetener. If you’re trying to entice a little one to sample potato milk, replace the sweetener with chocolate syrup for a wholesome chocolatey treat. When it comes to storage, potato milk typically keeps for about three days when refrigerated. Just be sure to place it into an airtight container to ensure optimum freshness.

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