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Online Open Course on dairy farming by NDRI Karnal for all

It give us immense pleasure in informing you all that ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal is going to introduce Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) in Commercial Dairy Farming from 1st February 2023 in collaboration with ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM), Hyderabad. It is a two month online course open to all. It’s registration is free for course completion. However, for obtaining a certificate successful candidates need to pay requisite charges (₹ 3,540/-, Rupees three thousand five hundred and forty only including GST). This is a first of its kind initiative in National Agricultural Research and Education System (NARES). It is developed and financially supported by our on-going IDP sub-project funded by NAHEP, New Delhi.

Anticipated benefits to different stakeholders:

It is anticipated to have benefits for the prospective entrepreneurs, dairy farmers , field extension functionaries and unemployed youth in finding best methods of establishing and managing a commercial dairy farm.
Further, for students it is anticipated to serve as a bridge course to fill the gaps in animal husbandry related aspects and claim credits in their academic bank. However, claiming of credits as part of their academic bank is subject to the approval of the Academic Council of ICAR-NDRI, Karnal.
For general public, it may serve as a course to know about dairy farming in a holistic manner from the best Scientists of ICAR-NDRI, Karnal by sitting at their convenient place and access to the course at their convenient time and up on successful completion get the certificate from top ICAR institutes.

Kindly circulate it to all the concerned and give wide publicity, please. Your promotional activity serves the purpose of our organizations reaching the unreached.

Link for the brochure:


Link for the registration of the course:

Looking forward to your active support, enrollment and promotion.

With sincere regards,
S. Subash
P. Narender Raju
Course Incharges

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