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Bharat Pashudhan App as conceived a decade back in our Vision 2030

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When I heard about the launch of Bharat Pashudhan App by our Prime Minister Modi ji, I  was elated . The roots of this joy stemmed from my recommendation of the 5-I model, which I included in our Dairy Industry Vision 2030 document launched on February 20th, 2014.

The vision document could be downloaded from this link..

Ten years ago, the greatest obstacle to forecasting the future of the Indian dairy industry was the absence of linked data concerning farms, farmers, and livestock. Understanding milk production in India was exceedingly challenging without comprehensive knowledge of the country’s sustainable farm structure. It was over a decade ago that I conceived the 5-I model with the vision of catalyzing a dairy revolution in the nation.

The model established a seamless result chain by initially Identifying the farm, farmer, and animal. Subsequently, it required  a comprehensive Inventory of diverse practices using a cluster approach. It then delved into understanding the Integrated value chains within those clusters, while concurrently mobilizing Institutions to bolster support for these value chains. This encompassed areas such as animal husbandry, breeding, market linkage, and value addition. The model ensured that the 5th I i.e Investments were channeled to the last mile, reaching identified stakeholders effectively.

We also created an overview on impact of existing Industry structure and policy implementation in 2014. A glimpse of that may be seen below and more could be read from page 16th of our Vision 2030 document.

structure 5-I DIV 2030


I am delighted to witness how today’s strategies are embracing the profound principles of the 5-Is that I defined a decade ago.

You may also refer to these 5-I concepts as follows. ( These excerpts are taken directly from our vision 2030 document which got published on Feb 20th 2014).


Identifying and enrolling all dairy farmers, farms and animals all groups, communities, associations ,organizations working as actors in dairy value chain for milk production , collection, chilling ,processing ,logistics and marketing all actors in feed, fodder, silage, hydroponics, compound feed, oil cakes, by pass protein, research, urea molasses block and nutrients like mineral mixture all actors in breeding, AI, semen, ET, bulls, research, imports, sexed semen, animals trading all actors in farm and process equipment’s, cold chain, technology, packing and packaging material all actors in quality control, food safety, certification, testing labs, calibration and training all research institutions, colleges, Universities, open Institutions in both private and public domain in dairy based knowledge dissemination all actors in modern trade and supply chain management for input as well as raw and finished dairy products


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Developing inventory of Existing norms, standards, local practices, SOP, skill set at all levels of identified actors Matching the same with best manufacturing practices and standards/norms from developed world encompassing issues of people, planet along with profits Dividing all the groups on the basis of community at geo- demographic as well as standards/norms and developing a national inventory of clusters and placing them on national canvas Developing and implementing capacity building programs after identifying gaps at the cluster level through communities/relevant groups.


Integrating all the relevant actors for completing the value chains at cluster/state/regional level so as to develop a critical mass necessary for sustainability at people, profit and planet level for the dairy sector


It is high time for the industry to be patronised and run through highly fragmented institutions with very low level of alignment with the National dairy growth goal. Except for National dairy plan which has taken an integrated holistic approach, there is no other such scheme or networked program currently running in the country. We need to have a separate ministry for dairy development in the country .The ministry must control the dairy development through clear cut policies on milk production, breeding, fodder, vaccination programs, bio security, germ plasm/progeny protection, milk collection, food safety, certification and capacity building for dairy extension. The current size of the sector will not be possible by handling these issue at state and central level separately. It is high time and an alarming state of affairs as stated earlier in the report. The ministry should also look into ethics and governance in this sector.


The last step is to mobilise huge investment to develop industrial structure and necessary infrastructure for clean milk production, chilling, transportation, processing, fodder, breeding programs, feed and fodder. A large number of global MNCs are looking forward for FDI in Indian dairy sector but due to ethics and governance related issues they are still holding back. The government might bring in long term National Dairy Bonds for 1000 crores for developing infrastructure for milk collection and chilling at all district levels. Cess could be introduced on milk processing, cattle feed production, imported semen suppliers, dairy technology suppliers and all other relevant value added service provider to the industry. Direct subsidies at state level to farmers creates an imbalance in the local dairy eco system. This populist measure could bring in interim relief to the farmers but not sustainability to the industry

Even a decade ago, we stood firmly against milk subsidies, and our stance remains unchanged. However, the implementation of subsidies through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) now presents an unprecedented opportunity for dairy farmers across all strata registered with the Bharat Pashudhan App to access these benefits.

Today, I see hope for our farmers on the horizon. In the upcoming articles, I’ll take you through our long-held dreams for dairy farmers from the past decade. These dreams are now coming true, thanks to the efforts of our government and policymakers.

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