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Animal Husbandry Minister to review Anti-cattle Slaughter Act

Minister for Animal Husbandry and Sericulture K. Venkatesh on Saturday hinted at the possibility of reviewing the Anti-cattle Slaughter Act enacted by the previous BJP regime.

Fielding reporters queries in Mysuru, Mr. Venkatesh said the Karnataka Prevention of Slaughter and Preservation of Cattle Act, 2020, brought in by the erstwhile BJP government had permitted slaughter of buffaloes above the age of 13, but not cows.

Why not aged cows?

If there is a provision for slaughter of aged buffaloes, he questioned the absence of such a provision for aged cows. Mr. Venkatesh said the matter will be discussed and a decision will be taken.

The 2020 legislation had replaced the earlier Karnataka Prevention of Cow Slaughter and Cattle Preservation Act, 1964, which had less stringent provisions.

Personal ordeal

Mr. Venkatesh cited his own ordeal when one of his cows expired. After the veterinarian advised him to bury it, the dead cow could not be lifted or moved even when several people made a joint effort. Eventually, Mr. Venkatesh said he had to summon an excavator to help bury the dead cow.

To another question, Mr. Venkatesh said there was no shortage for fodder at Goshalas, but the erstwhile government had failed to manage the institutions properly.

Mr. Venkatesh bemoaned the large number of vacancies in the Animal Husbandry Department and said about 9,000 out of the 18,000 posts had remained unfilled. The department was also afflicted with severe shortage of veterinarians. Out of 4,234 veterinary hospitals in the State, 1,600 did not have veterinarians.

Government Orders have been issued for recruitment of 400 veterinarians through Karnataka Public Service Commission, he said. Though the Animal Husbandry Department was large, there was not enough budgetary support, he said, adding that he would urge Chief Minister Siddaramaiah for financial assistance to pay incentives to the cattle farmers and promote animal husbandry.

No Amul

To another question, Mr. Venkatesh said Amul products had not entered Karnataka in a big way, but the State government was firm to promote Nandini dairy products marketed by Karnataka Milk Federation.

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