The milk industry behemoth Amul’s announcement of their plan to enter the Bengaluru market to supply milk and curd through online portals has ruffled the feathers of Kannadigas on social media, where users used #gobackAMUL hashtag on Thursday (April 6).
The announcement by Amul on Wednesday (April 5) was being seen as another attempt to trample upon KMF, especially when the political narrative is being built around the merger of Amul and KMF.
Sources said that Amul, through its online offer, could be targeting the North Indian population, but the KMF is confident of meeting the challenge. While KMF markets its Nandini-toned milk at ₹39 a litre, Amul prices its toned milk at ₹54 a litre. Amul is expected to procure milk from Andhra Pradesh to supply in Bengaluru.
Though there is no agreement between the two major milk cooperatives in the country, they have so far not clashed in the home turfs. KMF sources said it could create unhealthy competition though it has only entered the online marketing space now.