Safe Milk Labs

KMF slashes prices of dairy commodities like SMP, Butter and ghee

In some good news for KMF (Karnataka Milk Federation) consumers, the Milk body has reduced the price of some of the premier products of its famous Nandini Milk brand.

Accordingly, the price of Nandini Ghee has been reduced from Rs.470 to Rs.450 a kg, a Reduction of Rs.20 a kg. Likewise, the price of Butter, which was sold at Rs.440 a kg, has been reduced to Rs.420 a kg and that of skimmed milk powder from Rs.300 to Rs.270 a kg.

The KMF has appealed the public to make use of this opportunity. This reduction in prices is partly because of huge stocks of SMP and butter lying with the Federation. KMF made record procurement of milk during second wave of pandemic and converted that into SMP and Butter.

It may be mentioned here that KMF had  also reduced the price of some of its products when the deadly COVID-19 pandemic broke out last year.

Besides, it had also offered cheese for free on purchase of Nandini  Paneer.


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