Five strategies for developing climate resilient dairy eco system in India

Dairy Feature -Including dairy in high priorities of Budget 2025

The Budget FY 25 has been presented, and while it’s encouraging to see the Indian government prioritizing climate resilience in agriculture and allied sectors, it’s disappointing to note the absence of any mention of livestock.

We shall be creating detailed news feature on the same :

Top seven news from the last week are as follows :

Livestock contributes approximately 25% of the total agricultural GDP in low and middle-income countries (LMICs), providing a vital livelihood source for hundreds of millions of poor people. However, livestock production faces significant threats from climate change, with rising temperatures and unpredictable weather patterns drastically impacting how livestock feed, produce, and reproduce.

In India, the need for climate-resilient dairying is urgent. As temperatures rise and weather becomes more erratic, traditional livestock management practices are increasingly challenged. Adaptation and resilience strategies are essential to ensure the sustainability of livestock farming, a cornerstone of rural livelihoods and the agricultural economy.

Researching organizations

The visualization on the screen is a joint production of SEBI-Livestock, The Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health (CTLGH), the Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Security (GAAFS) at the University of Edinburgh, and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Nairobi, Kenya. These organizations are members of the Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) Community.

This comprehensive map highlights the adaptive measures livestock keepers globally are employing to build resilience against climate change. It showcases the vast potential for promoting climate resilience within the livestock sector through various means, including: • Heat and Drought-Tolerant Breeds and • Climate-Adapted Feeds Let us explore five transformative case studies from India that have paved the way for creating climate-resilient livestock ecosystems. In this video Kuldeep Sharma Chief Editor Dairynewx7x7 talks about these five strategies in the case study format and request the government to cpntinue funding these inititaove, though it has not been mentioned in the budget.

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