Sexed semen to be used to counter stray cattle menace

sexed semen usage at Goa dairynews7x7

Union Minister SP Singh Baghel Advocates for Sex-Sorted Semen Technology to Address Stray Cattle Issue SP Singh Baghel, Union Minister of State for Animal Husbandry and Dairying (DAHD), has proposed the use of sex-sorted semen technology in dairy farming to ensure that 90% of cattle born are female. Speaking at a training workshop on the […]

Central and state government must work in tandem for dairy development

Central and state government must work in tandem for dairy development - Dairy News 7X7

Calculus is a branch of mathematics that involves the study of rates of change. It has two branches. They are names as differential and integral calculus. Life is another name for change. The process of solving problems is nothing but changing the status quo. Let us look at the ways in which dairy problems are being […]