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China’s Dairy Industry – Market Trends and Opportunities

China’s Dairy Industry – Market Trends and Opportunities - Dairy News 7X7

The dairy industry in China has boomed following the rise in incomes and living standards seen in recent decades. Previously a luxury product available only to the few, milk and dairy are increasingly becoming staples of the kitchen table, driven by changing attitudes and tastes. At the same time, the market has significant room for growth, […]

Mother Dairy expects 30 % demand surge this summer for milk products

mother dairy demand surge dairynews7x7

Mother Dairy will launch this summer 30 new products, mainly in ice cream and yoghurt categories, as it expects a 25-30 per cent increase in consumer demand, a top company official said. Mother Dairy, a leading milk supplier in Delhi-NCR, has nine company-owned dairy processing plants with a total capacity of more than 50 lakh […]

Inflation continues to curb global demand

Inflation continues to curb global demand - Dairy News 7X7

Slowing supply growth out of other major exporting regions has begun to shift the outlook within the global dairy market in recent weeks, as the impact of weaker commodity prices has flowed through to production responses. While this changed dynamic is supportive of dairy commodity prices, the strength of this rebound really will be determined […]

Global dairy in conflict of rising demand vs pressure to cut C02

Global dairy in conflict of rising demand vs pressure to cut C02 - Dairy News 7X7

Even as some parts of the world worry about a shortage of milk and dairy products, governments in other regions are actively trying to reduce dairy farming. That is the unprecedented market situation facing the Irish dairy industry, which exports more than 1.7 million tonnes of product to more than 130 countries. In 2022, global […]

How far is China’s Slowdown is spreading ? Ask a dairy farmer

How far is China’s Slowdown is spreading ? Ask a dairy farmer - Dairy News 7X7

OTOROHANGA, New Zealand—As the sunrise cast a pink glow around 6:30 a.m., Michael and Susie Woodward worked together to attach suction cups to the udders of dozens of cows in the milking shed of their New Zealand dairy farm. When a tanker arrived to take the milk to a processor, Michael Woodward calculated the day’s […]

Rabobank: China’s Dairy Import Gap to Widen as Demand Surges

Rabobank: China’s Dairy Import Gap to Widen as Demand Surges - Dairy News 7X7

China plays a critical role in global dairy markets as the world’s largest importer, and it is eagerly developing pathways to grow domestic production. According to a recent dairy report by Rabobank, the country’s self-sufficiency rate swings between 70% and 80% and will likely not increase substantially, as domestic dairy production will not satisfy rising […]

Robust demand to whip up dairy revenue by 14-16%-Crisil

Robust demand to whip up dairy revenue by 14-16%-Crisil - Dairy News 7X7

Strong demand for value-added products and stable milk consumption will lead to a 14-16% revenue growth for India’s organised dairy industry this fiscal. With raw milk supply improving, there will be fewer price hikes and profitability will recover 20-50 basis points, said rating agency Crisil . Last fiscal, disruptions in raw milk supply had led to […]

Dairy products export can reduce GHG emissions

Dairy products export can reduce GHG emissions - Dairy News 7X7

Think globally, act locally. It’s an oft-quoted rallying cry spoken at environmental policy conferences. However, both dairy trade and scientific literature tend to report on environmental impacts and results within geo-political boundaries, bringing attention to the major dairy producing countries. In doing so, a major facet of sustainability — to keep people fed with safe […]

What’s the global picture for dairy markets?

What’s the global picture for dairy markets? - Dairy News 7X7

Dairy advisers have warned of future shortages of milk, with little to no growth in production in many major exporting regions, despite a surplus at present. Global demand is mixed, with a softening requirement reported in Europe and the US, and a slow recovery from China, but there are some growing opportunities from other Asian […]

Demand for dairy falls at global auction at GDT

Demand for dairy falls at global auction at GDT - Dairy News 7X7

The average price at the fortnightly sale fell 4.1 percent US$4360 a tonne, after falling 1.3 percent in the previous auction. The price of wholemilk powder, which strongly influences the payouts for local farmers, was 3.3. percent lower at US$3961 a tonne – the first time price have below the $4000 mark since October. NZX […]