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FSSAI charts action plan on AMR issue

fssai actions for AMR dairynews7x7

In a series of directives, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has asked the Commissioners of Food Safety of States and Union Territories (UTs) to ensure the target of 100 healthy and hygienic food streets, the quality of edibles during the festive seasons like Navratri, and the purity of milk and milk products. […]

Emerging salmonella variety in dairy cows worsens antimicrobial resistance

Emerging salmonella variety in dairy cows worsens antimicrobial resistance - Dairy News 7X7

A study of more than 5,000 salmonella bacteria isolated over 15 years from dairy cattle samples in the Northeast reveals a significant increase in resistance to the antimicrobial medications ampicillin, florfenicol and ceftiofur. Analyzing data derived from bovine samples submitted to Cornell’s Animal Health Diagnostic Center between 2007 and 2021, researchers also found that two […]

Natural livestock farming to reduce antibiotic use in dairy sector

Natural livestock farming to reduce antibiotic use in dairy sector - Dairy News 7X7

In the world-wide quest for dairy modernisation, the focus on crossbreeding and productivity increase of dairy cattle has — besides enhanced milk production — also resulted in high use of agro-chemicals. The use of antibiotics for common cattle diseases, such as udder infection and diarrhoea, is widespread. This contributes to the global threat of anti-microbial resistance […]

One Health and AMR, and the G20 Declaration

One Health and AMR, and the G20 Declaration - Dairy News 7X7

“We are One Earth, One Family and weshare One Future”, thus opens the G-20 New Delhi Leaders Declaration. The Preamble to the Declaration goes on to affirm that the leaders are committing to the theme “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” because “we meet at a defining moment in history where the decisions we make now will determine the […]

Israeli development to change how we consume dairy products

Israeli development to change how we consume dairy products - Dairy News 7X7

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are one of the greatest health risks facing humanity because they keep multiplying, and antibiotics lose their effectiveness as their use increases. The Israeli biopharmaceutical company Mileutis based in Ness Ziona is currently considered one of the global pioneers in this field. The company developed a biological preparation designed to treat the most serious […]

CSE report focuses on ethnoveterinary for AMR (Antimicrobial Resistance)

CSE report focuses on ethnoveterinary for AMR (Antimicrobial Resistance) - Dairy News 7X7

Delhi-based think-tank, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), will release a special report to mark World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) on November 21, 2022, according to a statement. The publication, prepared by Down To Earth Magazine, is titled Ethnoveterinary medicine: An alternative to antibiotics for the dairy sector. It will be released during a webinar in the afternoon […]

Limiting antibiotics for cows may create a new dairy market

Limiting antibiotics for cows may create a new dairy market - Dairy News 7X7

Consumers would be willing to buy milk from cows only treated with antibiotics when medically necessary – as long as the price isn’t much higher than conventional milk, according to researchers at the College of Veterinary Medicine. The findings suggest conventional farmers could tap a potentially large market for this type of milk if they […]

India’s dairy farmers should shift to ethno-veterinary medicines

India’s dairy farmers should shift to ethno-veterinary medicines - Dairy News 7X7

Some lifesaving solutions are so simple and obvious that they remain hidden in plain sight. This is particularly true for livestock disease treatments that have evolved over generations through experiences of communities, withstood the test of time, are embodied in local culture and practices and yet, the knowledge remains untapped in the absence of standardisation and […]

DBT-NIAB developed instant testing kit for testing Oxytetracycline in milk

DBT-NIAB developed instant testing kit for testing Oxytetracycline in milk - Dairy News 7X7

A team of researchers at the Department of Biotechnology’s Hyderabad-based National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (DBT-NIAB) has developed a new technique to detect the presence of an antibiotic called Oxytetracycline (OTC) in milk samples. A team of researchers at the Department of Biotechnology’s Hyderabad-based National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (DBT-NIAB) has developed a new technique to […]