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New norms to rein in defaults in AHIDF dairy scheme

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The central government has specified measures to disincentivize defaults in the guidelines for the realigned Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) Scheme. Interest subvention, which is up to three per cent, will not be provided for defaulters at any point of time for repayment, official sources told Bizz Buzz, adding that the lender is free […]

Subvention schemes need better targeting in livestock sector

Subvention schemes need better targeting in livestock sector - Dairy News 7X7

Two sectors that gained traction in rural India in the last five decades are dairy and microfinance. Both involved the latent power of women in the rural areas. About 2 crore people depend upon livestock for their livelihoods; it contributed 16% to the income of small farm households and an average of 14% for all […]

Subvention schemes need better targeting in livestock sector

Subvention schemes need better targeting in livestock sector - Dairy News 7X7

Two sectors that gained traction in rural India in the last five decades are dairy and microfinance. Both involved the latent power of women in the rural areas. About 2 crore people depend upon livestock for their livelihoods; it contributed 16% to the income of small farm households and an average of 14% for all […]

Dairying is a stable source of income for farmers: Economic Survey 21-22

Dairying is a stable source of income for farmers: Economic Survey 21-22 - Dairy News 7X7

The agriculture sector has experienced buoyant growth in the past two years. The sector, which is the largest employer of workforce, accounted for a sizeable 18.8 per cent (2021-22) in Gross Value Added (GVA) of the country registering a growth of 3.6 per cent in 2020-21 and 3.9 per cent in 2021-22. Growth in allied […]

The secret of Life is this : The cow does not give milk

The secret of Life is this : The cow does not give milk - Dairy News 7X7

Last fortnight the whole nation celebrated Holi. The colours are back in life. The corona cases in some parts of the country have again surged to match the last year growth rate. By the grace of god Corona is not registering its presence in the states undergoing elections. Probably corona also believes in the power […]