District Collector Sumit Kumar announced plans on Saturday to boost milk production in Chittoor.
During a meeting with representatives from 21 private dairies, the Collector discussed strategies to increase milk prices and production to support dairy farmers in the district. He emphasized the price differences offered by the dairies and highlighted the district’s dependence on horticulture and dairy farming for livelihoods.
The representatives attributed the price variation to demand-supply dynamics and competitive factors. They suggested adopting a government policy from Karnataka, which offers an additional ₹5 per litre to dairy farmers supplying to the cooperative dairy.
Milk subsidy and other policies
They proposed extending this policy throughout the year and increasing the current insurance coverage to encourage milk production. Animal Husbandry officers reported the distribution of sorghum and sorghum seeds for animal fodder in the district.
The Collector stressed the importance of livestock rearing for ensuring economic stability and nutritional security for rural families.
Later, Mr. Sumit Kumar unveiled posters for the 21st All India Livestock Census-2024, emphasizing the government’s efforts to develop the animal husbandry sector, improve the quality of cattle and poultry, control diseases, and support farmers.
The 21st Livestock Census is scheduled from September to December 2024. It will involve 67 supervisors and 568 enumerators, with the latter collecting livestock details from households and the former ensuring data accuracy.