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Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying (DAHD) is implementing “National Programme for Dairy Development (NPDD)”scheme across the country since Feb-2014. The scheme has been restructured/ realigned in July 2021 for implementation from 2021-22 to 2025-26with the following two components:

(i)   The Component ”A” of NPDD focuses on creating/strengthening of infrastructure for quality milk testing equipment as well as primary chilling facilities for State Cooperative Dairy Federations/ District Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union/SHGs/Milk Producer Companies/Farmer Producer Organizations.

(ii) The Component ‘B’ of the NPDD scheme “Dairying through Cooperatives” aims to increase sale of milk and dairy products by increasing farmer’s access to organized market, upgrading dairy processing facilities and marketing infrastructure and enhancing the capacity of producer owned institutions.

Details of major achievements of the NPDD scheme since its inception are as follows:

  1. 19.09 lakh additional farmers enrolled, 22,865 dairy cooperative societies (DCS) organised/revived and 111.04 Lakh Kilogram per day additional milk procured.
  2. 47,857 Dairy Cooperative Societies at village level equipped with Automatic milk collection units/Data processing units and Milk Analysers and 6,266 Dairy Cooperative Societies at village level (cluster level) equipped with Electronic Milk Adulteration Testing Equipment.
  3. 5125 Bulk Milk Coolers with 113.30 lakh litres cooling capacity created at village level dairy cooperatives.
  4. 27.53 lakh litre per day milk processing and 30 metric tonnes of Value Added Products Capacity created and about 82 dairy plants strengthened/refurbished.
  5. 231 cooperative dairy plants at district/regional level (not having electronic adulteration testing equipment) equipped for adulteration detection equipments and 15 State Central Laboratories approved/equipped to test all Milk Parameters, Adulterants, Residues, Heavy Metals, Microbiological etc.
  6. 25 Milk Parlors and 4 Walk–in-cold Store have been established and 125 Visi-Coolers and 1234 Deep Freezer have been installed for strengthening marketing infrastructure.
  7. The above interventions have contributed to improvement in milk quality and minimising loss/wastage.

In addition to various programmes/schemes/initiatives of State, Union Territories and DAHD, Government of India, NPDD had also contributed in increasing Milk Production in the country from 146.31 MMT in 2014-15 to 230.58 MMT in 2022-23.


NPDD scheme is not beneficiary oriented. However, indirect benefits to the enrolled Milk Producers/farmer-members of dairy cooperatives /milk producer institutions etc., are provided through State Milk Federations/Unions/Producer Companies thereby increasing their income.

Under Component A of NPDD scheme, 218 projects have been approved with the total outlay of Rs.3567.42 crore. (including Central Share of Rs.2644.43 crore) and under Component B of NPDD scheme, 35 projects have been approved with a total project cost of Rs 1343.00crore(including Loan amount of Rs. 841.55crore, Grant of Rs 388.54 crore & participating institution (PI) contribution of Rs. 112.92crore). Out of the total 253 projects approved under the scheme, 142 have been completed. State-wise details of projects approved, funds allocated along with projects completed and ongoing under Component A & Component B is at Annexure-I& II respectively.

State-wise details of dairy cooperatives organized (milk collection centres), Bulk Milk Cooler (BMC) established/ sanctioned and processing capacity created/ sanctioned under Component A & Component B is at Annexure-III & IV respectively.

As mentioned above, NPDD scheme has been restructured/ realigned in July 2021 with an aim to strengthen/create infrastructure for improving the quality of milk and to focus on increasing the coverage of organised dairy sector. In addition, the implementation of the Component B of scheme which was restricted to 2 states (Uttar Pradesh and Bihar) have been expanded in 2023-24 to cover 9 states (Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and West Bengal)



State-wise details of projects approved, funds allocated along with projects completed and ongoing under Component A of NPDD scheme (As on 24.11.2024)

S. No. Name of State No. of projects sanctioned Approved Outlay (in crore) @ No. of projects completed/ withdrawn No. of Ongoing Projects  
Total Central Share  
Component A #
1 Andhra Pradesh 4 235.05 162.25 3 1  
2 Arunachal Pradesh 2 11.91 11.26 1 1  
3 Assam 2 34.36 32.65 2 0  
4 Bihar 17 263.23 210.19 15 2  
5 Chhattisgarh 3 23.39 20.96 1 2  
6 Goa 2 16.90 13.93 1 1  
7 Gujarat 8 552.82 337.52 4 4  
8 Haryana 4 25.24 21.33 3 1  
9 Himachal Pradesh 6 57.16 52.39 4 2  
10 Jammu & Kashmir 4 151.12 139.81 3 1  
11 Jharkhand 3 31.54 25.02 2 1  
12 Karnataka 19 425.61 292.44 6 13  
13 Kerala 16 193.98 142.44 9 7  
14 Madhya Pradesh 14 71.29 59.36 11 3  
15 Maharashtra 4 51.77 46.46 1 3  
16 Manipur 3 30.29 27.85 2 1  
17 Meghalaya 6 63.94 57.80 5 1  
18 Mizoram 3 11.01 10.31 3 0  
19 Nagaland 4 13.06 12.15 4 0  
20 Odisha 7 62.60 55.33 5 2  
21 Puducherry 5 7.83 7.67 3 2  
22 Punjab 10 279.07 184.41 6 4  
23 Rajasthan 31 327.45 236.40 18 13  
24 Sikkim 6 53.72 49.62 5 1  
25 Tamil Nadu 10 300.09 208.45 7 3  
26 Telangana 8 89.16 69.67 4 4  
27 Tripura 3 22.92 20.26 2 1  
28 Uttar Pradesh 7 81.84 68.43 6 1  
29 Uttarakhand 4 75.04 64.12 3 1  
30 West Bengal 3 4.03 3.93 3 0  
  Grand total 218 3567.42 2644.43 142 76  

# Under Component A, funds were released to State Implementing Agency of the scheme

@ Approved outlay is cumulative of projects approved under NPDD scheme from 2014-15 to 2024-25 (till 24.11.2024)




State-wise details of projects approved, funds allocated and released under Component B of NPDD scheme (as on 24.11.2024)

State No of projects Rs. in crore
Sanctioned project details Fund Release
Total Loan Grant PI share Loan Grant
Andhra Pradesh 2 193.85 107.76 80.25 5.84 12.83 18.87
Bihar 12 117.21 55.01 53.05 9.15 3.87 8.14
Madhya Pradesh 1 76.50 50.00 0.00 26.50 29.53 0.00
Punjab 2 371.18 286.37 54.52 30.29 30.37 25.83
Rajasthan 6 293.37 192.30 81.22 19.84 27.82 26.95
Telengana 1 90.71 71.53 12.46 6.72 29.12 3.60
Uttar Pradesh 8 124.98 29.90 89.30 5.78 19.66 55.94
Uttarakhand 1 6.39 0.00 5.76 0.63 0.00 2.16
West Bengal 2 68.83 48.69 11.98 8.16 0.00 0.00
Total 35 1343.00 841.55 388.54 112.92 153.19 141.50

PI-Participating Institutions

This information was given by the Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying Shri Rajiv Ranjan Singh alias Lalan Singh, in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.





Annexure III

State-wise details of dairy cooperatives organized (milk collection centres), Bulk Milk Cooler (BMC) established and processing capacity created under Component A of NPDD scheme

(As on 24.11.2024)

S.No. States/UTs No. of dairy cooperatives organised Dairy Plant Capacity  created (TLPD) Bulk Milk Cooler (BMC) established
No. Capacity (KL)
Component A
1 Andhra Pradesh 2315 0.0 31 155.00
2 Arunachal Pradesh 0 0.0 0 0.00
3 Assam 0 0.0 0 0.00
4 Bihar 7851 201.0 72 199.00
5 Chhatisgarh 0 0.0 29 58.00
6 Goa 0 0.0 0 0.00
7 Gujarat 793 400.0 1834 5245.00
8 Haryana 0 0.0 59 48.00
9 Himachal Pradesh 177 120.0 19 41.00
10 Jammu & Kashmir 1219 175.0 58 275.00
11 Jharkhand 201 0.0 13 26.00
12 Karnataka 1950 0.0 411 1182.00
13 Kerala 0 1105.0 108 392.50
14 Madhya Pradesh 0 15.0 201 181.00
15 Maharashtra 369 0.0 69 149.00
16 Manipur 50 0.0 38 8.40
17 Meghalaya 21 50.0 61 28.94
18 Mizoram 3 0.0 9 4.50
19 Nagaland 54 2.0 28 14.50
20 Odisha 973 30.0 37 107.00
21 Pondicherry 7 0.0 15 14.50
22 Punjab 563 60.0 423 580.00
23 Rajasthan 2074 440.0 865 976.50
24 Sikkim 287 45.0 225 73.10
25 Tamil Nadu 380 100.0 463 1423.00
26 Telangana 290 0.0 20 18.00
27 Tripura 6 0.0 11 11.50
28 Uttar Pradesh 288 0.0 0 0.00
29 Uttarakhand 257 50.0 1 1.00
30 West Bengal 70 0.0 4 2.00
  Grand total 20198 2793.0 5104 11214.44

TLPD-Thousand Litres Per Day, KL-Thousand Litres



State-wise details of sanctioned activities for milk collection centres, Bulk Milk Cooler (BMC) and processing capacity under Component B of NPDD scheme

(As on 24.11.2024)

State No of Projects Milk Collection Centers Processing Infrastructure
New DCS (Nos.) BMCs


Milk Processing (Lakh Liter/ Day) Value Added Products


Andhra Pradesh 2 2450 68 0 0
Bihar 12 1180 15 0 50
Madhya Pradesh 1 0 0 0 30
Punjab 2 1075 18 5 64
Rajasthan 6 1723 125 0 0
Telangana 1 120 0 0 150
Uttar Pradesh 8 2565 32 0 0
Uttarakhand 1 0 0 0 0
West Bengal 2 300 3 0.5 0
Grand Total 35 9413 261 5.5 294
Achievement   2667 21 0 30

MTPD-Metric Ton Per Day


(Release ID: 2080142) Visitor Counter : 214

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