The Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Limited popularly known as Amul Dairy on Tuesday announced a hike of Rs 30 in milk procurement prices paid to farmers. The hike will result in some seven lakh members of the milk union in Anand, Kheda and Mahisagar districts getting Rs 850 per kilo fat.
However, the increase will not have any impact on the milk prices for consumers.Amul Dairy’s chairman Vipul Patel termed it as an Independence Day gift to its members. The revised prices will come into effect from August 11.Patel said this year, dairy farmers are burdened with a rise in cattle feed prices which have increased by 15-20 %. “Farmers who are earning Rs 1.85 per litre of buffalo milk will get Rs 2.16 per litre whereas those earning Rs 1.29 per litre for cow milk will earn Rs 1.36 per litre,” he said.
Going by the revised prices, farmers who pour a litre of buffalo milk with 6 % fat get Rs 50.66 which after the price hike will increase to Rs 52.51 per litre.
Similarly, the per litre price of buffalo milk paid to farmers with 7 % fat currently stands at Rs 59.10 which will increase to Rs 61.26 per litre.
In cow milk, the per kilo fat price has been revised from Rs 363.60 per kilo fat to Rs 377.30 per kilo fat – a hike of Rs 13.71 per kilo fat.
Currently, a farmer who pours cow milk with 3.50 % fat gets Rs 34.33 per litre which will increase to Rs 35.62 per litre whereas a farmer who pours cow milk with 4 % fat will get Rs 37.57 per litre instead of Rs 36.20 per litre.